My husband decided he needed to “pop my cherry” and hit me with my very first meme. YAY! I guess this means I’m not a virgin anymore *snicker*.
Four Jobs I’ve Had:McDonalds
Floral Designer
Alarm Dispatcher
Claims Technician
Four Movies I could watch over and over and have:The Color Purple (it makes me cry EVERYTIME!)
Dances with Wolves; Directors Cut
Starship Troopers
LOTR Trilogy, extended versions (but I usually don’t have the 13 hours to sit and watch in sequence)
Places I’ve Lived:Wichita, Kansas
Rose Hill, Kansas (graduated from high school here, and plan on never going back!)
DeKalb, Illinois (Mahn I hate this town!)
Rockford, Illinois
Four TV Shows I love to watch:Survivor
House Hunters
Plastic Surgery; Before and After (my husband hates it when I watch these shows)
Four Places I’ve been on Vacation:Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri
Disney World/Epcot Center in Orlando, Florida
Cripple Creek, Colorado (probably one of my favorite vacations from when I was a kid)
Lake Texoma on the Texas, Oklahoma border fishing and camping. This is where my Mother caught a 15 pound carp that tried to eat her fingers!
Four Websites I visit Daily. (full of lots of cheesy games that require NO thought whatsoever)
The (need to make sure I have all of the updates and to see when the new expansion is coming out….it’s a sickness)
Blogs – I wish I could list them all, but it’s better if you poke around on my sidebar.
Four Favorite Foods:Mexican Manicotti (both hot and mild, my NEWEST favorite!)
Filet Mignon
Baked Sweet Potatoes with brown sugar
My now famous
Bread Pudding in a Whisky Sauce Four Places I’d rather be: I agree with Contagion that this is rather vague, but I know my one honest answer.
Not at work
Not at work
Not at work
Not at work!!
Four people I’m passing this onto:
Blogmomma Tammi, because it’s probably my only chance to tag her with something!!
My newly adopted
Blogdaughter VirtueMy
Blogsister TalulaZephyr, BECAUSE I CAN!
And finally,
Wes of Bodhran (drum roll) Please! Because I think he is in need of something to post about hehehehe!