Age is relative
Today I turn 36 years old....and I'm actually not bothered by my age for the first time in years!
I don't look too bad for the Mother of a 14 year old soon-to-be Freshman in High School and a 4 year old who melts my heart with every glimpse of his bright blue eyes. In addition, I have an incredible husband who helped make me the woman I am today. Without him, I'm certain things would have been quite different for me!

Thanks to everyone!
Labels: Family Life
Happy Birthday To you!!! Wow. You look fabulous! I love the hair. But I have to say, I noticed the thomas the tank engine blanket. ;-)
Enjoy your day.
I thought about photo shopping that out, but then decided I really didn't care that much! Just proves that I'm a Mom!
Happy Birthday Again!
Ok, how did I miss that today is your birthday? How did this happen???
Happy Birthday darlin'! I will sooo make this up to you!
Happy Happy Birthday! You look fabulous.
And as I say whenever someone asks me about birthdays... I'm only a day older than I was yesterday. *grin*
Happy Birthday Lady!!!! You look fabulous and i hope to look half that good tomorrow!!!
you are a fox, your DH is lucky!
And check out those gams!!
Happy Birthday...
my age doesn't bother me either...
enjoy 36 it is a good one, espeically when you are FOXY!
Good god.
Sorry. Sharing this room wiht a telephone pole. hard... to... type...
You are one 'radiant' 36 year old woman! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I've met you once, and that was good enough for me to wish you a happy birthday, so Happy Birthday! Yes youre' hawt... No doubt 'bout it. Get ready for the 14 teener... they're 'bout ready to get tough, but somethin' tells me between you two, the boys gonna be right. In a wrong sorta way. ;) I've got a 16, and an 18. The next few will be interesting and at 36, or I mean 29, you've still got plenty of energy to deal with the challenge.
It was nice to meet you at T1's deal. I like your ol' man too. Somethin' tells me he's alright when he's asleep.
Happy 29^7th! :)
Happy, Happy Birthday! You look fabulous dahling! The best is yet to come......
So I'm a day late but Happy B-Day lady!!! And just remember we don't get older we get better with age. Or is that experienced with age :)either way them young chicks have nothin on us!!!!!
your friend Red
Hope you had a terrific b-day!
Hot Momma!
Happy Birthday! Your smile says it all! It made my day brighter.
Happy Birthday, even if late. I blame Tammi for that. *VBEG* Hope it was good, and that your "new year" is as well!
Happy birthday! And if you ever get depressed about getting old, you can always say 'At least I'm not as old as Bill!" heheh
Happy Belated Birthday! Also, Mr. Bad Example says "MILF"!!!
Damnit... I'm late!
Happy Belated Birthday, Ktreva!
Happy late Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day :-)
Happy Belated Birthday!
You look mah-velous!
What a fahhhhn lookin' woman!
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