Sunday, February 25, 2007

Disney on Ice

Thursday I took Clone to see Disney on Ice. He's almost 4 years old, and I figured he was at the right age to watch and enjoy the show. I didn't realize how much *I* would enjoy it as well!

We arrive at the show and head straight for the souvenir booth. I knew it would not be possible to get through this without purchasing something that lights up. He found what he wanted, we purchased it (as well as a pair of Flotsam and Jetsam binoculars) and headed to our seats. I hadn't realized, but our seats were in the second row, right in front of the ice! We were going to be up close and personal with the skaters!

When the show began, Clone was very happy and excited. He sat and watched the whole show with very little complaining. He would clap and laugh, point out things to me, and smiled a lot. I loved watching him enjoy himself, and although that was my favorite part of the whole show, there was a close second. I never realized (or maybe it was because I'd never been so close to the ice) just how tight of a backside the male skaters have!

You could bounce a quarter for MILES off those butt cheeks! Tight pants and rock hard buns....yeah...Disney on Ice is worth every penny!



Blogger Tammi said...

Having dated a semi-pro hockey player for a while, I can just say one thing.

Yes, yes you can.


Glad y'all had a good time! Oh, btw, let me know next year and I'll go help you keep an eye on things.....

2:32 PM  

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