WTF Wednesday

Apparently this is a real problem in Asia, similar to Germany's bathroom issues!
Labels: WTF Wednesday
Labels: WTF Wednesday
posted by KTreva at Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Og Says: "Ktreva has huuuuge...tracts of land!"
Tammi Says: "KTreva - Mistress of understatement......."
My blog is worth $13,548.96.
How much is your blog worth?
If you've ever been so some Asian countries and seen what they call a bathroom you'd understand!
I still shudder.....
I looked at that, tilted my head a bit to the side and just started cracking up.
Just for one moment think about ME even TRYING to do that one on the right. Just THINK abou that for a moment....
That's funny shit!
HA! Get it! :-)
OK - I need wine now.....
That does explain the footprints on the public bathroom seats, though.
Being a salty world traveler, if you've seen some of the toilets (holes in the ground) overseas then you'd understand.
Evidently no hovering is allowed :)
They had a big problem with it at the Big Blue Weenie (my old employer), too.
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